Friday, September 10, 2010

Mckinzie Rayne

Ok, I realized how lame I was at taking pictures of the little darling while I was there. I fully intended to set up a photo shoot one day and take a bazillion pictures but somehow that never happened. So I just picked 3 pictures from her very first hours to share with you. The first one was moments after she was born. The original shows just how red and splotchy she was right after birth, but I changed it to black and white and now it's one of my favorite pictures of her.  It makes me want to tell her that really, the world's much nicer than her first impression of it, there are flowers and sunshine and mountains and oceans and so many totally amazing things for her to see. And once she gets used to it, she'll be just fine.  What do you think, do you like the black and white or the soft colored version best?

These were taken when she was a few hours old and looking a lot more peaceful. By this time she's had a million hugs and kisses and is on the brink of a nap. I think she's adorable!

 I miss her like crazy! By the time I see her again, she'll be around 4 months old!

Coming up next, pictures of our girls day out to Huanglongxi, where we dressed in ancient Chinese clothing.


  1. hmm i think i like the partial color but i am very partial to that finish...its almost always my favorite ;)
    yeah, so sorry for the non existant photo shoot!! i was imagining tons more pictures then we actually took as well!!!
    youll be happy to know thought that ava totally knows you by looks now!! ;)
    oh by the way, jessica is getting a cd to me to be mailed to you then!

  2. dear ruth, i hope your comment box holds a million characters because this may turn out to be more like a letter than a comment. i kept thinking, why doesn't ruth post more stuff on her blog only to realize that i bookmarked a specific entry instead of the home page. when i realized my mistake i was delighted to get onto your site and catch up. love the baby shots. i like the b & w and the color. keep taking pictures and posting them. i know we feel the same about photos chiefly that they tell a story and i get to peek into yours from thousands of miles away every time you post. your so brave and patient to dress up like that. living life all the way, thats the you i know. i love you and think of you often. di
