Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby Anna Joy

Wow, I never thought taking pictures of a baby would be so difficult. I see such adorable pictures of babies, perched in such odd places, on trunks, in baskets, on the arms of couches, even wrapped in cloth and hanging from branches like the stork just delivered them. But this little girl did NOT like different postions. Whenever I laid her on her stomach, I got a face like this one.

After she threw up a few times(she had just eaten), I gave up on any super cute poses and just laid her on her back on the bed and opened the curtains wide for better light.

She really is a good baby. She barely cried at all. And when she did, I realized that she was still hungry. I had interrupted her meal and didn't realize it. I think her mom thought I had to take pictures NOW and couldn't wait. Anyway, we took a break and Amy fed her and then she was quite happy.

Isn't there something incredibly adorable about tiny feet? She had a black & blue mark from her shots and I just felt so sorry for her even though it didn't seem to bother her at all.

About halfway through our shoot a friend came who wanted to show Amy how to bathe a baby. I didn't shoot any pictures because they required my help to bathe Anna. It's hard for me to imagine having a baby when you've barely ever even held one.

I wanted a few pictures of the mom & baby. I don't think Amy was really prepared to have her picture taken. I really should not have assumed she would know. I thought it was a given. But she was more than willing to pose for a few pictures.

And I'll leave you with another feet picture. Baby feet just give me warm fuzzies.

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