1. I love that she is independent. She always want to do things herself without help.
2. I love that if you ask her name her answer is Ava Broot(Brooke) YOder, with extra emphasis on the YO.
3. I love that she loves hats of any kind.
4. I love that her first question to me after she says "Hi" is usually "Read a boot(book)?" I love when children love books!
5. I love that she will unconciously sign words as she's talking. She doesn't even seem to know that when she says candy her little finger is digging into her cheek or that she rubs her chest whenever she says please.
6. I love that when we go on walks, she picks up everything(dead and crumpled leaves, stones, sticks) and claims them as treasures to take home with her.
7. I love that she repeats words she hears around her. For example, one day I said something usually did something and the next thing I knew, she used usually in a sentence, too. For a while her phrase was, "Oh Wow" which I think she gets from her grandma.
8. I love that she has a mind of her own.