I spent 3 lovely weeks at home in Virginia. The very first week, I spent every evening at VBS. Can I just say how much I LOVE VBS? I have missed the kids. I love their crazy energy, their lingo, their passion. So here are some snapshots of that week.
To start it all off, here's one of my gorgeous niece. I adore this face!
Monday night, some Karen kids from Thailand came while their parents went to English class. They made me feel right at home. I even got to practice my Chinese with one of the Karen guys. (And just to keep some of you from being too confused, No, they don't speak Chinese in Thailand, they speak Thai. But this guy knew a little Chinese. I think I knew more than he did. But it gave me a chance to remember what it feels like to have those tones rolling off my tongue.)
Why is it that the naughtiest kids are always the cutest? This is Henry. I took more pictures of him than any other kid, I think. He's so ornery. Why do I always like the bad kids most?! :-)
A few of my favorites of kids whose name I don't remember:
Every single picture I have of the kid with the hot dog is just like that. He's stuffing hot dogs or cupcakes or something in his mouth like he only gets one bite of whatever it is.
Chunky, yes that's what everyone calls him. He's still little enough not to care. Love him to death. And yes, the silly band phase is alive and well among these kids.
The next 3 are brothers & sister. The two youngest are twins. They are from Iraq and are so amazingly gorgeous. I think people from the Middle East are seriously the best-looking people I've ever seen. I mean seriously, black eyes, curly hair, and olive skin, what a combination! Is it weird that I consider Middle Eastern people the most beautiful people?
That's all for now. Stay tuned for more pics of my time at home, especially of my adorable nieces & nephews, including the brand-new-to-the-world Mckinzie Rayne.
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